Art of Images

People talk of “art,” and most often, they are thinking of images, images as art.  But we also know that the word art points to much wider circles of human creation than just images. It is wider than drawing and painting. But on this page, in these galleries, this is what I mean by art, my visual art.

TKPhelps: How I refer to myself as a visual artist. Same guy as ‘Theodore K Phelps,’ the one who is writing stories, poems, and ideas.

I make images (and work in a few other forms of art) for my personal enrichment and balance. It sometimes makes a meaningful thing for others. If you want me to make you a digital drawing or painting based on your photographs, you may ask me about that. Also, if you like to share ideas about the role of art in our lives, I would love to here from you.


Artist Statement

Art-making, in the western tradition(s) for the past centuries, graces primarily the one that makes it. Often, it leaves a trail and others pick it up and see what might grace themselves. Often, it leaves them cold. Even when made with a keen desire for others to be somewhat graced by it, the trail–an object or performance–fails to touch others. Art, this way seen, lives in its own place, perhaps like a terrarium so that it may be enjoyed by observers. But like a life itself, it belongs to itself. Art for the artist.

Digital tools have fully arrived now. I think the moment was when TIME had its person of the year painted in what I call ‘digital oil.’ It was the new Pope, no less. By Jason Seiler. (Dec 23, 2013 TIME cover). I encourage everyone to try it. Find a friend with tools. Ask me. I want to help. Think of it as the most patient tools you can hold. Make a mark. Make another. Let it do something. Let yourself be with it. This is play. Does it leave a trail that others might pick up and feel graced by? That will be for them to discover. Meanwhile in your play with a digital tool–oh, my, humans have made marvelous ones now!–then you will find it completely patient with you. Only you are saying, “Yes!” and “No!” “Beautiful” and “Junk!” It is quiet, saying at most, “Keep me” or “Change Me.” Finally, understand that digital art is playing directly with colored light, while the so-called traditional media, like paint, are playing with materials that send color to our eyes only when light bounces off them. Oh, I love those gooey, aromatic, physical media. They are like food. Digital is, then like what? Maybe like dreams. Yeah, like dreams.

Physical, Traditional Media
Digital Landscape & Still Life
Digital Oils, general

These digital images have various effects similar to oil painting. Sometimes this is just the gallery I chose to put the image into, but many were intentionally made using oil painting as a style and method. Always for me, it is about the image and its effect and what tools to use to get there and only secondarily a question of what category label to give it.

Digital Abstract
Digital Portraits
Photographic Art

Want to draw a five-pointed star?

in the classic way, with only a compass and straight edge: Here!